International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Response
Dear Mandy,
I would like to write and congratulate you on a publication written by you that my daughter in law received last week when she attended antenatal class, and subsequently shared with me. I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and (of course!) very eager for her to receive good information about breastfeeding. She told me that she thinks her NHS teacher was very strongly in favour of breastfeeding and I was surprised and of course thrilled. I’m even more thrilled now I’ve had a chance to read the main booklet that was handed out at the class.
I have to tell you that I believe that the Mothers and Others Guide: Feeding and Caring for your new baby is very, very impressive. All 32 pages seem to be jam-packed full of superb information. I was especially impressed with feeding. For too long I have felt that lactation consultants and breastfeeding supporters have had to exercise undue caution in the way we promote breastfeeding so as not avoid the risk of making mothers who make poor choices feel guilty. So it is very reassuring to see that pregnant mothers today receive such a clear recommendation that breastfeeding is really lifesaving and important and then to see that the rest of the booklet is devoted to telling mothers how to go about it. Motivation first, info second. Wow. The whole booklet is fabulous and is well worth stocking as a handout for our clients! I’m currently working on updating an HIV and breastfeeding resource for the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, and I will include this booklet and stocking details in the Resources Section.
And on a personal note I am delighted to be able to wholeheartedly endorse the info that my daughter-in-law has received from the NHS in the form of your booklet.
Warm regards
Pamela Morrison
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant